A Guide to Compassionate Leave Duration in Singapore

Brio HR
3 min readMar 13, 2024


In the fast-paced corporate world of Singapore, employees often have to navigate the delicate balance between work responsibilities and personal obligations. One such situation that demands compassion and understanding from employers is the loss of a loved one. Compassionate leave, also known as bereavement leave, is a provision that allows employees to take time off from work to grieve, make necessary arrangements, and attend funerals or memorial services. This leave plays a crucial role in fostering a supportive and empathetic work environment, recognizing employees’ emotional and logistical challenges during these difficult times.

A Guide to Compassionate Leave Duration in Singapore

Compassionate leave is a paid leave granted to employees to cope with losing a close family member or loved one. Its purpose is to give employees time and space to grieve, make funeral arrangements, and attend related ceremonies or rituals. In Singapore, the duration of compassionate leave is typically specified in the employment contract or company policy. The common practice is to offer at least 2 to 3 days of paid compassionate leave, which aligns with the country’s cultural and societal norms.

Factors Influencing Compassionate Leave Duration

Relationship to the Deceased

The duration of compassionate leave may vary depending on the employee’s relationship with the deceased. For instance, losing an immediate family member, such as a spouse, parent, or child, typically warrants a longer leave than losing an extended family member or distant relative. This consideration acknowledges the profound emotional impact and logistical responsibilities associated with the bereavement process for close family ties.

Travel Requirements

Another factor influencing the duration of compassionate leave is the need for travel, particularly for international funerals or ceremonies. In such cases, employees may require additional time to account for travel arrangements, jet lag, and the extended logistical preparations involved. Employers should be mindful of these circumstances and consider extending leave to accommodate employees’ practical challenges.

Cultural and Religious Practices

Singapore is a multicultural society, and different cultural and religious practices may dictate varying mourning periods or ceremonies. For example, certain traditions may involve multi-day rituals or extended mourning periods that necessitate longer compassionate leave durations. Employers should strive to respect and accommodate these cultural and religious practices, fostering an inclusive and understanding work environment.

Importance of Clear Compassionate Leave Policies

In an organization, having well-defined and transparent compassionate leave policies is crucial for employees and employers. Clear policies give employees a sense of certainty and understanding of their entitlements during challenging times, reducing stress and allowing them to focus on grieving and making necessary arrangements.

For employers, establishing comprehensive, compassionate leave guidelines ensures fair and consistent treatment across the workforce, mitigating potential conflicts or misunderstandings. Moreover, such policies demonstrate an employer’s commitment to supporting their employees’ well-being, fostering a positive workplace culture, and enhancing employee engagement and retention.

Legal Considerations and Best Practices

While no specific legal requirements mandate compassionate leave in Singapore exist, employers should be aware of relevant employment laws and regulations. These may include provisions related to employee rights, discrimination, and workplace harassment, which could indirectly impact compassionate leave policies.

In terms of best practices, employers should:

  1. Clearly define eligibility criteria, such as the types of relationships covered and the required documentation.
  2. Establish a process for requesting and approving compassionate leave, ensuring confidentiality and sensitivity.
  3. Train managers and supervisors on handling compassionate leave requests with empathy and understanding.
  4. Review and update policies regularly to align with changing societal norms and employee needs.
  5. Encourage open communication and support employees during their bereavement process.

Streamline Compassionate Leave with BrioHR’s Intuitive HR Solutions

Compassionate leave can be challenging, but BrioHR’s HR software can help you simplify the process. With our easy-to-use leave management module, you can create and implement clear policies for compassionate leave that treat all employees fairly and consistently. Our software also offers customizable eligibility criteria, automated request approvals, and insightful reporting features to empower your HR team. If interested, request a demo to see how BrioHR can revolutionize your approach to compassionate leave and create a more supportive and empathetic workplace culture prioritizing employee well-being.



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